Playwriting 101
Everyone is a writer. This workshop explores story structure fundamentals (character, setting, conflict, climax, resolution) and has students apply what they’ve learned by writing a scene between two characters. Over the course of three workshops, students (either individually or with a partner) will craft a dynamic scene, write the dialogue, and perform it in front of the class.
This workshop runs over three days, two of which are facilitated by award-winning playwright and screenwriter Sophia Fabiilli.
● Day One (90min) — Exploration of storytelling basics and different writing strategies (ex: using improv, voice recording, writing fan fiction, etc.) with Sophia.
● Day Two — Supervised by the teacher, the students will spend time in class writing a scene between two characters.
● Day Three (90min) — Under Sophia’s guidance, students will read their scenes out loud and receive personalized, supportive, and constructive feedback.
Curricular take-aways from this workshop include:
● Exploring how conflict drives all storytelling;
● Examples of how conflict is created by two characters with opposing objectives;
● Gaining an understanding that the climax should arrive at the 80% mark of the story and be the result of the rising tension;
● Helpful playwriting tips and an emphasis of creativity and exploration.
Note: If you have more than 12 students in your class it is recommended that students pair up to write their scenes.
● Two 90-minute workshops: the first explores the fundamentals of story structure, followed by students writing their own scenes; the follow-up workshop has students perform their scenes, accompanied by supportive and constructive feedback — facilitated by an award-winning playwright.
● Two PDF hand-outs: Story Fundamentals and Story Structure Planning Chart
PRICE — $300 + HST
Sarah Dennison, Education Coordinator
CALL: (613) 382-7086 x33
Staged reading of ‘Serving Elizabeth‘ by Marcia Johnson. Photography by Randy deKleine-Stimpson.