VOLUME: The bottom right corner shows a staircase icon. If that staircase is not blue, the volume is muted. Click the staircase to unmute. If you can hear the “lobby music” then you’re ready!
PASSWORD: Please check that your CAPSLOCK is OFF.
CONTENT: The show is streamed through our website. Enjoy the show on the big screen if you have a way to connect your television to your computer.
FROZEN / LAG: If you are experiencing a video lag/buffering, try lowering the video quality of the livestream video. Click the wheel icon at the bottom right of the livestream page (next to volume icon) and select 720p or lower.
Alternatively, we suggest reloading the page. Or try closing the page and reopening the page by clicking the link again.
We suggest reducing additional streaming from multiple tabs on your device or with multiple devices in your household at the time of the show for optimum viewing.
Still having issues? Make sure to check that your WiFi connection is strong, that your WiFi router is working, or that your ethernet cord is plugged in to your computer. Unfortunately, technical issues around your WiFi cannot be solved by our team and we suggest contacting your internet provider.
LINK: If you haven’t received the link within 24 hours of the show, please check your JUNK/SPAM and PROMOTIONS folders in your email.
Still having issues? Call our Box Office at 613-382-7020 and they would be happy to help.